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Peter Note
Web & LLM FullStacker, Application Architecter, KnowHow Dispenser and Bike Rider



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'package manager'에 해당되는 글 1

  1. 2025.03.11 UV 사용하기
2025. 3. 11. 11:38 [LLM FullStacker]/Python


계정 글로벌에 설치된다. uv와 uvx 가 설치된다. (uvx는 파이썬으로 제작된 CLI 툴을 사용할 때 사용한다.)

# 맥OS, 리눅스, WSL
curl -LsSf https://astral.sh/uv/install.sh | sh

# 윈도우
powershell -c "irm https://astral.sh/uv/install.ps1 | iex"


가상 환경 만들기

가상환경을 적용할 폴더로 이동을 한다. 

uv venv .venv


파이썬 특정 버전 지정. "-p <python version>"

uv venv -p 3.11


패키지 설치하기

pip 앞에 uv만 붙이면 된다.

uv pip install <packageName>



uv --help


  run      Run a command or script
  init     Create a new project
  add      Add dependencies to the project
  remove   Remove dependencies from the project
  sync     Update the project's environment
  lock     Update the project's lockfile
  export   Export the project's lockfile to an alternate format
  tree     Display the project's dependency tree
  tool     Run and install commands provided by Python packages
  python   Manage Python versions and installations
  pip      Manage Python packages with a pip-compatible interface
  venv     Create a virtual environment
  build    Build Python packages into source distributions and wheels
  publish  Upload distributions to an index
  cache    Manage uv's cache
  self     Manage the uv executable
  version  Display uv's version
  help     Display documentation for a command

Cache options:
  -n, --no-cache               Avoid reading from or writing to the cache, instead using a temporary directory for the
                               duration of the operation [env: UV_NO_CACHE=]
      --cache-dir <CACHE_DIR>  Path to the cache directory [env: UV_CACHE_DIR=]

Python options:
      --python-preference <PYTHON_PREFERENCE>  Whether to prefer uv-managed or system Python installations [env:
                                               UV_PYTHON_PREFERENCE=] [possible values: only-managed, managed, system,
      --no-python-downloads                    Disable automatic downloads of Python. [env: "UV_PYTHON_DOWNLOADS=never"]

Global options:
  -q, --quiet
          Do not print any output
  -v, --verbose...
          Use verbose output
      --color <COLOR_CHOICE>
          Control the use of color in output [possible values: auto, always, never]
          Whether to load TLS certificates from the platform's native certificate store [env: UV_NATIVE_TLS=]
          Disable network access [env: UV_OFFLINE=]
      --allow-insecure-host <ALLOW_INSECURE_HOST>
          Allow insecure connections to a host [env: UV_INSECURE_HOST=]
          Hide all progress outputs [env: UV_NO_PROGRESS=]
      --directory <DIRECTORY>
          Change to the given directory prior to running the command
      --project <PROJECT>
          Run the command within the given project directory
      --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>
          The path to a `uv.toml` file to use for configuration [env: UV_CONFIG_FILE=]
          Avoid discovering configuration files (`pyproject.toml`, `uv.toml`) [env: UV_NO_CONFIG=]
  -h, --help
          Display the concise help for this command
  -V, --version
          Display the uv version
posted by Peter Note
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