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Peter Note
Web & LLM FullStacker, Application Architecter, KnowHow Dispenser and Bike Rider



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Eclipse사용자가 IntelliJ IDEA로 옮겨 갈 때 가장 힘든 부분이 단축키 찾는 것이 아닐까 한다. 요약해 보자

1) 프로젝트의 참조 Libraries 관리 : ctrl + alt + shift + s  (설정참조)

2) JetBrains Wiki (참조)

Alt+F1Switch between views (Project, Structure, etc.).
Ctrl+TabSwitch between the tool windows and files opened in the editor.
Alt+HomeShow the Navigation bar.
Ctrl+JInsert a live template.
Ctrl+Alt+JSurround with a live template.
F4Edit an item from the Project or another tree view.
Alt+EnterUse the suggested quick fix.
Ctrl+Slash or Ctrl+Divide 
Ctrl+Shift+Slash orCtrl+Shift+Divide
Comment or uncomment a line or fragment of code with the line or block comment.
Find class or file by name.
Ctrl+DDuplicate the current line or selection.
Ctrl+W and Ctrl+Shift+WIncremental expression selection.
Ctrl+F or Alt+F3Find text string in the current file.
Ctrl+Shift+FFind in the current folder.
Ctrl+Shift+F7Quick view the usages of the selected symbol.
Ctrl+Add or Ctrl+Equals 
Ctrl+Subtract or Ctrl+Minus
Expand or collapse a code block.
Ctrl+SpaceInvoke code completion.
Ctrl+Shift+EnterSmart statement completion.

3) Eclipse와 IntelliJ 비교 키 (참조)
EclipseIntelliJ IDEADescription
F4ctrl+hshow the type hierarchy
ctrl+alt+gctrl+alt+F7find usages
ctrl+shift+uctrl+f7finds the usages in the same file
ctrl+shift+rctrl+shift+Nfind file / open resource
ctrl+shift+x, jctrl+shift+F10run (java program)
ctrl+shift+octrl+alt+oorganize imports
ctrl+octrl+F12show current file structure / outline
ctrl+shift+mctrl+alt+Vcreate local variable refactoring
syso ctrl+spacesout ctrj+jSystem.out.println(“”)
alt + up/downctrl + shift + up/downmove lines
ctrl + dctrl + ydelete current line
???alt + hshow subversion history
ctrl + hctrl + shift + fsearch (find in path)
“semi” set in window-> preferencesctrl + shift + enterif I want to add the semi-colon at the end of a statement
ctrl + 1 or ctrl + shift + lctrl + alt + vintroduce local variable
alt + shift + salt + insertgenerate getters / setters
ctrl + shift + fctrl + alt + lformat code
ctrl + yctrl + shift + zredo
ctrl + shift + cctrl + /comment out lines (my own IDEA shortcut definition for comment/uncomment on german keyboard layout on laptop: ctrl + shift + y)
ctrl + alt + hctrl + alt + h (same!)show call hierarchy
none ?ctrl + alt + f7to jump to one of the callers of a method
ctrl + shift + ialt + f8evaluate expression (in debugger)
F3ctrl + bgo to declaration (e.g. go to method)

posted by Peter Note